

“Seek and Ye Shall Find”

Dennis Allan is one of my heroes. Raised in the US he long ago moved to Brazil to preach the gospel. He didn't go for just a couple weeks. He moved there. He lives there. Today he shared this most encouraging story which illustrates how those who seek God will find Him, no matter how difficult (Matthew 7:7). 

Ever wonder how the Lord gets people like the Ethiopian eunuch in touch with someone to teach them? Here´s an interesting one. A man named Pedro, after studying a lot of material on our website, sent us an e-mail with some good Bible questions and commented that he already understood his need to be baptized. He gave his phone number, which was not formatted the way Brazilian numbers usually are, so I did my best to decipher it and passed the contact along to brethren near where I thought he lived (Porto Alegre). Tiago, a faithful Christian there, began corresponding with Pedro about 6 weeks ago. Result: Although Pedro is not from Porto Alegre, he made a trip there, coinciding with studies the brethren had scheduled with Gary Fisher over this past weekend. Pedro has now been immersed for the forgiveness of his sins and is spending time with brethren there and making plans to travel to spend time with others. By the way, his formatting of the phone number was correct; I misinterpreted it. He was not writing from Porto Alegre, but from Canada, and visited his home country of Brazil to obey the gospel. May God be praised for enabling those who seek to find!